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« Now He's A Rolling Dog, Too | Main | It's A Tight Fit »

June 24, 2007


OMG I am soooo happy for Willy and his new mommy and daddy :) I just have to say I come here so much it just warms my heart so much you and your wife are amazing and i cant tell you how much you make so much of a difference to so many animals out there :) we have six dogs and all from a shelter and i would take in any animal that needed me if i could :) what a wonderful new family :) Congrats to you all !

What a sweet family portrait. You go, Willie.

Congrats to the new couple & their new addition! That is wonderful news, I am so happy for Blind Willie!!!

I had just come back from Paris when I read of Willie's adoption: what great "welcome home" news!:-)
I'm sooo happy for Willie, Katie & Greg. I believe adopting a furkid is a wonderful way to start married life.
Congratulations to all involved,

Carla in Italy

This is a beagletiful story.
I love this. God bless Willie and his new family.

Wow, You go Willie !

What a sweet, sweet story. God bless the three !

Congratulations to Willie - sounds like a match made in heaven, I'm so happy for all of you. Another great story ending from the Ranch!

Congratulations to Katie and Greg on their marriage and adoption of their boy, Willie. It sure sounds as if Willie knew who he wanted and chose his human well! Best wishes to all!!

What a great adoption story. It sounds like Willie has found a wonderful home. Yay!

AWESOME! I am so excited for Willie! He is such a wonderful dog... And just think! He will be back in a warmer climate...

Oh I am crying tears of unbelievable joy in reading this!!! To have seen him come so far and now to have him find the one person he was obviously waiting for his whole life!

I am so, so happy words cannot adequately express.

What a happy looking (new) family!
Congratulations on your marriage Kate and Greg and what a great wedding gift to give one another....Willie!
Be safe and happy and thank you for sharing your love with Willie.

What a happy family! Willie knew a great thing when he heard Katie's voice, & he followed his ears to a new home! Congrats to the new family & we wish them a lifetime of love & happiness together.
Big hugs,
ginger, Tobias & the cat that came in the dog door (still without a name)

Sounds like a wonderful match for Willie!!! So glad he picked his new mom (dad included!) Katie!

Katie, Congrats on Willie and getting married!! I know Willie is in good hands with you. I will miss working with you as a volunteer. Keep in touch.

When I saw the headline I yelled very loud and enthusiastically to my husband, "Oh my gosh Willie got adopted!!!!” What a great story!! We hope to adopt from the Rolling Dog Ranch in the future and have our eye on a few of the residents at Widget’s House.

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