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« Brody and Nevada Come Home | Main | Do You Know What's Underneath Your Desk? »

April 23, 2007


I know I'm a bit late with this comment but things have been really hectic around here. I am so glad I checked in & got to see an update on the girls!

Soba! I like it! :) I am glad to see the girls are doing good. Their brother Weebles has found a forever home in New Mexico and will be leaving on his transport on Saturday. This litter of puppies is sure spread out over the US! Three live here in Fort Dodge, IA, one is in Louisiana, two in Montana, one in Minnesota, and now one will be in New Mexico. They are all such special little dogs! :D

These girls are so cute! Better Soba than Raman!
ginger & Tobias

These girls seem so sweet and enjoying their lives. For some reason when I look at these pictures I'm reminded of the old Walton's Mountain movie.. the father was lost out in the snow and not home for Christmas. John Boy and the preacher guy(okay,your right, I can't think of his name) went over to the old,rich sisters house to borrow their papa's car and go search for him. The ladies were so excited and I remember them saying, "My sister, isn't this a treat". Noodles and Soba seem to be saying....MY SISTER....ISN'T THIS A TREAT.....

What a pair of cuties!!! They certainly look like they are enjoying life on those cots.

Noodle and Soba are just darling girls. So glad to see them enjoying their cots.

I wondered if you would change her name, given that you already have one Wobbles. Soba - its nice! And its a much better choice than "Udon"!

They certainly are beautiful girls, and look so very happy in their new home!

These two sisters are the sweetest angels. Give 'em hugs for me today!

Makes me think of my sister and I relaxing on padded chaise lounges at a tropical resort! These dogs must feel like they're on a holiday. I would love to be on the cot next to them!

I love these shots of Wobbles and Soba! Soba's new name is great too! It is amazing how similar their mannerisms are.
I'm so glad they found their way to RDR and were able to stay together as a noodlie sister pack.

This has got to be the cutest two little girls I have ever seen!!

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