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« Little Blind Nevada Comes To The Ranch | Main | Nevada and Brody Go To The Vet »

April 16, 2007


That is the FUNNIEST thing I've ever seen and I know some funny animals! What a silly goose!

That is the cutest thing I have ever seen!What a little darlin! It needs to be on Animal Planet. Thanks so much for making our day!

And I thought my dad's horse was nutty what with his obsession with the giant balls children bounce on.

(he likes to shake it, hitting his firehead and then his chest)

From now on, if I am feeling a bit blue, I will watch this video. Cash is so funny!

Steve, Cash just wants to make sure that you are covered properly and keep safe there in your elements ! Adorable.

Hilarious - that's one for youtube!

This is hilarious...thanks for sharing this video clip! Cash is certainly very talented!!!

That is soo cute! You guys are so wonderful to take in all these animals and everyone that helps and donates is so wonderful too!

This is just too precious! How funny too! Ya'll are so
fornunate to be blessed with these incredible creatures and they in return are blessed by your
devotion and dedication to them! Please give them all a hug from us here in Colorado and hope to meet
everyone this summer!

Thanks for the laugh this morning! Cash is adorable.

How funny. Love the videos - keep them coming.

What a crack up! I bet you're glad Cash doesn't go for your pants! You may want to switch to button fly! Thanks for all of the videos and pictures you are posting for your on-line fans and supporters! They're all so heartwarming and special and, so are the two of you!

Oh my gosh, I laughed out loud! A blind horse, playing with the zipper on your jacket! It is SO precious!

Its been said before, but I really do think you and Alayne should consider putting together a book of all the antics that go on at the Ranch. I know, I know, in your "spare" time! But it would be so fun, and a great way to raise funds! Who wouldn't want a book about a caterpillar-trouncing Daschund and a zipper-obsessed colt?

That's so funny! Just be glad it's your jacket & not your pants! Looks like Cash is a tactile kind of guy.
Big hugs,
ginger & Tobias

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