The test results on our blind cat Turtle -- bloodwork, ultrasound, and X-rays -- so far had shown only one sign of something amiss. The X-rays revealed some gas-filled loops of bowel, suggesting possible obstruction. Thus our primary care vet, Dr. Brenda Culver in Helena, did exploratory surgery today. Sure enough, she found two sections of Turtle's intestines where the tissue wall was so thick that the intestine was constricted enough that only fluid or very loose stools could pass by. This would cause malabsorption of nutrients, explaining her recent weight loss.
Brenda removed both sections of intestine ... in one case taking out 1 1/2 inches of bowel and in the other case taking out 3 inches. (Brenda told me this evening that in a cat Turtle's size, you can remove up to 12 inches of intestine before you start affecting its ability to do its job.) The thickened tissue could result from an inflammatory response of some sort, or it could be gastrointestinal lymphoma. Brenda is sending biopsies of both sections of intestine to Colorado State University's vet school to find out. In case it is lymphoma, Brenda also did a biopsy of Turtle's liver so we'll know whether it has spread to that organ.
Turtle's mesentery (or abdominal) lymph nodes were swollen, too. This could be a normal response because of the existing "insult" to the intestine, or it could mean lymphoma there, too. Again, another biopsy for Colorado State.
Brenda told me the good news is that gastrointestinal lymphoma in cats is -- unlike other forms of lymphoma -- not only treatable but curable as well with chemotherapy. (Unless, of course, it's spread to other organs.) Over the years we have lost more animals to lymphoma than any other single disease, so I was really glad to hear this. It will be sometime next week before we learn the biopsy results.
Turtle came out of surgery just fine and Brenda reports that she was already purring!
After doing Turtle, Brenda moved on to a much simpler case ... neutering our new arrival blind Brody and doing a dental on him. His teeth were in pretty good shape; he had one cracked tooth that needed to be removed, but otherwise his pearlies are shining.
Both Turtle and Brody will stay in the hospital over the weekend and we'll pick them up early next week.
I just wanted to let you guys know that I check for new blogs every day. I am so grateful that there are folks around like you. My daughter & I have rescued orphaned, abandoned and abused dogs and cats for years now. Between us we have 4 dogs and 13 cats....most of them with health or behavioral issues. I know how hard you must have to work every single day.
Keep up the great work!
Posted by: Debbie | April 08, 2007 at 10:06 AM
I'm so glad Turtle's surgery was successful and that she felt well enough to purrr right away. (never heard of a purring turtle...oh, ha..ha..!)
I'll be hoping, as we all are, for a healthy biopsy report whenever you receive it.
Posted by: Leilani | April 02, 2007 at 09:29 AM
Dear Turtle
I hope you're feeling better soon and your test results turn out well. You're a sweetheart!
Posted by: Roz | March 31, 2007 at 04:25 PM
Will send good thoughts out to the Cosmos for Turtle's full recuperation. Would love to see her pack on some pounds and feel great. Good luck!!
Posted by: Miranda | March 30, 2007 at 11:27 AM
COME ON Turtle ! Good thoughts. Good thoughts.
Posted by: Karen | March 29, 2007 at 10:09 PM
I will be hoping for the best for Turtle's biopy. She looks so sweet !
Posted by: Leigh | March 29, 2007 at 10:07 PM