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March 22, 2007


Bailey is such a silly guy. I just love him. To Margaret N from Seattle you are an angel for sending all the wonderful fleece.

Bailey is so forgiving! After all; Mr. Caterpillar tried to dominate his territory and threaten dog existance as we know it! I'm glad the two have come to a friendly sleeping arrangement because it makes for a fun blog read!

What a camera lover Bailey is! That's so funny that he woke up to pose & do his thing!
How wonderful for Margaret to send all those fleece blankets! That's marvelous!
Hugs to all & Margaret too,
ginger & Tobias

Oh Bailey, you're a hoot!!!!

i just love that dog. to think he started out as a dog ready to give up on life and now his biggest concern is napping with the caterpillar. its wonderful :)

in the last photo there is another dog s foot at the top of the photo - now who does that belong too?

Oh, my gosh! This IS heaven! A new blanket and my new caterpillar friend. What else could a guy ask for!

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