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« Heart Surgeon | Main | Turtle's Eye Surgery »

January 30, 2007


This place, and you two are amazing! I'm glad the Newsweek article got out there.

All those in the party line know a good thing (Alayne) & stick with her! They are very intelligent, as we all know, & know where their goodies come from. It's funny that Holly has created her own job.
Big warm hugs to all,
ginger & Tobias

Steve, you and Alayne have got to write a book! With pictures and shots like these.

Honestly, your story tugges at the heart and the animals you have saved are all so special. The story of Beauty, and the beginning with Wigget. You know it would sell.

Awww... I love reading your blogs in the mornings when I arrive to work and on weekends at home. Am curious, who is the dog in the far background on the other side of the gate?


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