Having already won honors for the most-blogged Rolling Dog Ranch animal two years running, blind Widget wanted to close out 2006 with yet another appearance ... this one in the 'Creative Sleeping' category. (Come to think of it, most of her blog moments involve sleeping.)
I found her like this yesterday morning, having made a complete mess of the living room chair in an effort to arrange everything 'just so.' The bedding we wrap the chair in to protect it from too much 'dogginess' simply becomes bedding to pull down and rearrange for a more comfy nap. I managed to get three quick shots with the camera before she stirred ... then she rolled back and forth, over and over again, before settling into a new position.
Because Widget sleeps all day, by night she is wide awake and wired -- so when we put her up in Kelly's Cottage for bedtime, she is rarin' to go. She runs around in circles outside the cottage door while we're gathering up the other dogs, doing her 'woo-woo-woo' with her best Beagle voice. Widget then races in the door and rummages through the crates to see if anyone didn't eat their cookie from the night before. Convinced there are no left-over snacks, she heads back out again when we come through the door with another dog. (FYI: Blind dogs always know when the door is open.) Free again, Widget makes her way over to Birdie's Cottage and slips inside to check things out.
When we finally corral Widget, get her back in Kelly's Cottage and close the door -- whew! -- she lets loose with another chorus of woo-woo-woo's. As we're heading back to the house, we can hear Widget inside the cottage, barking and woo-ing and trying to stir things up. I'm sure the other dogs are muttering, "Shut up, Widg, we want to go to sleep!"
The reason Widget spends the night in the cottage is because she used to do this in our house at night, too. And that used to be us yelling from the bedroom, "Shut up, Widg, we want to go to sleep!"
(Click on photo for larger image.)
Ah yes - the patented "Beagle Wiggle". She sure is one fat and happy dog! It's so great to see!
Posted by: Morgan Skilling | December 21, 2006 at 05:44 PM
Widget's post is a great way to bid farewell to 2006. I look forward to seeing her in more creative sleeping positions in the new year!
Posted by: Leilani | December 18, 2006 at 09:26 AM
I can't get enough pictures of Widget!! She and her antics make my day!
Posted by: Kathy | December 17, 2006 at 03:58 PM
Widgie-girl, we never get tired of your sleep-antics! :-)
Posted by: Heidi & the kitties | December 15, 2006 at 11:18 PM