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« The Morning Commute | Main | TV Story On Sanctuary Now Online! »

December 19, 2006


Darby is one smart horse....she knows she is getting great care and love so she will be a model patient.....and in between times she thinks she can just be silly and goof around!

Gosh. And we have trouble trimming nails. I just read this awesome quote before stumbling into your blog today... Coincidence? I think not!You're awesome.

"When we do the best we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life, or in the life of another"......Helen Keller.................................

Darby must have wanted her eye to be attended to yet, don't touch it! When rubber hit the road, she was a good patient. That girl deserves a carrot lollipop for her at home doctor visit.
Nice job Steve and Alayne!
I hope Darby's eye looks better soon.

We're so glad that Ms. Darby decided to be calm when the most crucial part of the help was being administered. You're going to be an honary vet before long, if you aren't already! Seems Darby knew that you were really helping her get better, so she was facing the music. Thank you both for not throwing up you hands & saying, "I just can't handle this!" You're both amazing & we admire the work you continiously do & the love you give. Thank you so very much.
Big warm hugs,
ginger & Tobias

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