I walked into the cat house this morning to clean and found this sight waiting for me: Wobbly Mink and one-eyed Lulu rather awkwardly sharing a bed. Clearly there was only room for one cat in the bed, and that was Mink. That didn't stop Lulu from wanting to share the bed, though. And since she couldn't fit IN the bed, she apparently decided the next best thing was to lie ON it. In doing so, however, she kind of locked Mink in the bed. I guess she delivered her point. Sort of.
In the upper right corner of the photo you can see just the nose and mouth of wobbly Claire, who had an entire bed to herself and was quite happy about it.
(Click on photo for larger image.)
What a great photo!!
Winter certainly brings out creative sleeping solutions and postures.
Mink and Lulu have given me some good ideas already!
Posted by: Leilani | October 19, 2006 at 09:38 AM
Our 40 lb pointer used to try to curl-up in our cat's bed. It was a funny sight!
Posted by: Jill Privett | October 19, 2006 at 02:34 AM