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August 02, 2006


What a fabulous photo of you and Sammy! Think often of the pleasant memories you have of him. He knew he was loved and royally cared for.

I've always liked this quote:

'If there are no dogs in heaven,
then when I die I want to go where they went. - Anonymous'

Debbie says it exactly the way I feel. He is a special little dog that captured our hearts.

Such a bittersweet photo. Sammy was such a special guy. He will live in all our hearts.

I am so sorry to hear about the loss of Sammy. Jack russell terriers are such wonderful dogs. I love this picture!! I hope the autopsy results were able to ease your mind a bit on how you lost him.

What a great photo of you and Sammy, it's on my desktop today.
He's so handsome and happy...and always will be for as long as he's remembered.
You took excellent care of him and he knows it.

What a wonderful photo of you with sweet Sammy. Now you know that there was nothing that you could have done differently, to have saved his life. Sammy was loved & had a great time at the RDR. He recieved the ultimate care while he was under your "watch." It is very sad that his life ended so tragically, but you did everything in your power to save him, & he knew he was loved.
Thank you for all you do,
ginger & Tobias

Poor wee Sammy. That is so tragic. I'm glad he had a loving home and was well loved in his last few months of life.

Thank goodness you now have some answers. It doesn't ease the pain of losing little Sammy, but at least you know you did everything you could and beyond. You went the extra mile with Sammy and he understood your dedication and love for him. RDR critters are blessed to have you.

Debbie Burke

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