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August 15, 2006


I am glad to read Buzz is back home. What a day ! Please keep us updated and I hope everyone will be home soon.

Well, I'm so glad Buzz is home and hope he stops eating toys. Healing thoughts for Birdie's intestinal surgery and for little Cody to feel better fast--and that's great Dr. Dave will take one of Cinder's kittens when they arrive.

It seems to happen with Retrievers to obsess with rocks/toys and to eat them. This seems to be a lack of work/excersise type activity. Running free in a padock is different than work. It could be time to start a volunteer force to walk/hike play retrieve etc with the dogs.
National Geographic channel Cesar Millan "The Dog Whisperer" is an excellent resource, or check out the web site.
An obstacle course, check out the facility at bestfriends. Remember when you had that big friendly dog as a pack leader? Each group needs a pack leader? Good luck..:)

What a hectic way to start the day! Glad to hear Buzz is doing well and back home. Cinder is so darling, maybe you can keep one of her babies, she is so little. ;-)
Thank goodness you don't have to put the animals through college, now THAT would really be expensive!
Hope you awoke to a beautiful Wednesday. :-)

I once adopted two black cats from a shelter & soon found out one of them was pregnant. I named her Xerox, because she was making copies. (so you might have to change Cinder's name!) I'm just relieved it's not a disease! Sometimes when a dog eats rocks or weird things, it's because certain minerals are lacking. I know you have a great team of vets, but that just ran across my mind. Birdie certainly doesn't look like she has bolders in her belly by the look on her happy face. But poor Cody looks so sad. I don't think he feels good at all. I'm sorry it was such a bad health day. I'm hoping Cody will make a great recovery & be much better soon & Birdie's surgery will go well.
Hugs to all,
ginger & Tobias

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