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« Hello, Mariah! | Main | Sammy's Autopsy Report »

August 01, 2006


It sickens me that Levi is blind due to horrific abuse! Levi will now have a new lease on life and a chance to learn his doggie manners. Keep us posted on his progress.

Levi looks as tho he's fallen in love with Mariah's voice already. She has simply mesmerized him! He's basking in all that attention. Good boy, Levi! I'm so sorry that you were beaten so horribly! You look so well behaved & attentive in the photo, good job!
Hugs to all,
ginger & Tobias

It breaks my heart to hear about a dog blinded from being beaten. I am SO grateful that you are there to show Levi how it should be, that people LOVE dogs!
Keep up the good work.


Levi is a great pupil! His history of abuse is quite saddening; but not only has there been a happy ending for him, but he's getting properly trained which will really make him happier in the long run.
Good job Mariah and Levi. :-)

Yes, Levi looks focused and eager to please. That'll be great having one-on-one training and tune-ups for some of the animals.

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