This weekend we had some of our wonderful volunteers come out on their regular visit, and the dogs loved every minute of it.
Mike C. spent the day walking dogs and working on obedience training. Even though our dogs have large fenced paddocks (from 1/2 acre to nearly 2 acres in size) to run around in, they still like getting out and exploring the world beyond. In this photo Mike is about to take blind Allie for a long walk. On the porch at Widget's House waiting their turn is blind Peabody and Travis, our dog with a fused jaw.
And here is Laura B. giving blind Penny a make-over. Penny is the original love-bug, and one of the sweetest dogs we've ever known. Laura has adopted four animals from the ranch, including old, deaf Chance and Winchester the cat. I bet Penny was thinking the whole time, "Well, what about me?"
Our volunteers not only are a big help, but they add another dimension to the care we can provide the animals here. We certainly appreciate it, and it goes without saying, so do the animals!
(Click on photos for larger image.)
This is such an important activity for the animals. Walking and exploring are the top of the list to a dog. Thanks for being there.
Posted by: K | August 08, 2006 at 05:54 PM
Hip hip horray for the wonderful volunteers & all the great things they did for the animals! That is so great. I wish I lived nearby so I could do those things as well.
ginger & Tobias
Posted by: ginger & Tobias (the greythound) | August 07, 2006 at 06:19 PM
What a fun day for everyone! Blessing to all the volunteers who shared their time and love with the animals.
Posted by: Leilani | August 07, 2006 at 09:40 AM