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« Blind Guadalupe Comes To The Ranch | Main | Blind Bud Sees Dr. Dave »

July 10, 2006


So glad that Wobbles is all better! Great video of Wobbles rolling around, feeling frisky. One cool cat.
Hugs to all,
ginger & Tobias

Wobbles certainly knows how to play the cute card! I just want to reach out and rub that fuzzy tummy! Glad he's feeling better.

What a sweet angel!

Loved your video, Wobbles. You're such a handsome lad.

Wobbles, you are one cool cat! So glad to hear that you are feeling fine!

It just doesn't get any cuter than that!! At one point, he seems to be looking at you as if he wants you to roll around with him too; make that Rolling Around Ranch. :-)

What a sweetie pie :) Thank you for the sweet video

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