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« Laddie's Leg Wound | Main | Blind Guadalupe Comes To The Ranch »

July 07, 2006


Nikki's progress is really amazing! You and Alayne look comfortable and fabulous on Nikki and Domino.
My friend just got back from a week's vacation in Helena; she said it was beautiful and she'd like to retire there.
It DOES look beauiful!
Wishing you many happy days in the saddle....

I swear you two look just like Roy Rogers and Dale Evans! Happy Trails!

Great photos of you on Nikki & Alayne on Domino. It does look like Domino is asleep, but if he's that relaxed, it can't be a bad thing. (just as long as he doesn't start rolling in the grass while she's in the saddle!) Nice to see you two enjoying the day & letting the animals take the "load" for "a bit". All puns intended.
ginger & Tobias

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