Today was a momentous occasion: I rode blind Nikki, our little two-year old, for the very first time. Our horse trainer, Nichole Zupan, was at the ranch this morning working with Nikki in the round pen. I said, "Hey, when do you think I can get on her?" Without saying a word, Nichole grinned, then slipped off the saddle and handed me the reins.
Apparently the time was now. (Full disclosure: It would be kind to call me a "novice" rider.)
I took the reins, put my foot in the stirrup, and climbed into the saddle. With a nudge from my heels, Nikki started off at a slow walk. Then she stopped after about 10 yards. Hmm. Another nudge from my heels, and off we went again, around and around. Then I'd bring her to a stop, stand there quietly for a few moments, and move off again.
It just gave me a tingle, realizing I was riding this born-blind filly who we had only started training in late April. And here I was, barely a rider myself, riding her with all the confidence in the world.
As you can see from the photo, my heels were way too high because the stirrups were too low -- Nichole has longer legs than I do! But Nikki didn't seem to mind, and she trusted me that I wasn't going to do something dumb like walk her into the fence.
Meanwhile, Alayne was riding another of our blind horses, Domino, a small Appaloosa gelding. Both Alayne and I had ridden him in the corrals and round pen earlier this week for the first time. Nichole worked with him on Wednesday as well. We all found him to be an easy-going, calm fellow who clearly had seen a lot of miles in his day. When I was taking photos this morning of Alayne on Domino, our biggest challenge was keeping him from falling asleep while he was standing there!
(Click on photos for larger image.)
Nikki's progress is really amazing! You and Alayne look comfortable and fabulous on Nikki and Domino.
My friend just got back from a week's vacation in Helena; she said it was beautiful and she'd like to retire there.
It DOES look beauiful!
Wishing you many happy days in the saddle....
Posted by: Lani | July 10, 2006 at 10:56 AM
I swear you two look just like Roy Rogers and Dale Evans! Happy Trails!
Posted by: Terrel | July 08, 2006 at 03:25 PM
Great photos of you on Nikki & Alayne on Domino. It does look like Domino is asleep, but if he's that relaxed, it can't be a bad thing. (just as long as he doesn't start rolling in the grass while she's in the saddle!) Nice to see you two enjoying the day & letting the animals take the "load" for "a bit". All puns intended.
ginger & Tobias
Posted by: ginger & Tobias (the greythound) | July 08, 2006 at 01:36 AM