Losing Sammy on Friday really took the wind out of our sails, but one of the (many) benefits of running a place like this is always having an animal doing something to make us laugh. I think there's no better way to cope with grief than to have a happy dog around.
For instance, Kathryn and Alayne both recently discovered that blind Stoney is crazy about running water. Whenever the yard hydrant is turned on, or a hose is running, she tries to "bite" the water as it's flowing.
So this morning I videotaped Kathryn and Stoney playing the water game. In the background you'll see Birdie, our Lab with muscular dystrophy, walking up with a tennis ball in her mouth. She's hoping Kathryn will ignore Stoney and play fetch with her instead. When she realizes that isn't going to happen, she drops the ball and wanders off to watch the show. Here's the clip:
this is javed hamdard from Kabul Afghanistan ,i am speechless and i don't know how to appreciate ,thank you very very much for what you are doing and you guys are angels!
I watched the Stoney Sreaming in the water,
my best wishes to all of you
and a big huge to Stoney.
best wishes.
javed .
Posted by: Javed Hamdard | March 18, 2008 at 02:36 AM
I am speeshless insofar as I wish with all my heart I had the strenght of heart to do what you do. I actually have 6 cats, 2 dogs, 2 fish and 1 frog. All were abandonded animals, except for the frog which my daughter got for a summer teaching class and felt more comfortable taking home with her. You are Angels on this earth & I am so grateful for you. I remember reading about the abandonded, abused dog you rescued from Lancaster, CA (I apologize for not remembering her name right now) but I must tell you ALL my cats were abandonded in Lancaster. I actually has 2 other dogs that were also abandonded there and lived good long lives with us after we moved from there to Santa Barbara, CA. One of my cats is actually 16 years old and still sharp as a tack. Taking care of this many animals is not easy. My household can get really crazy at times but not for one second would I consider getting rid of even one of my friends of a different species. In fact we are now considering moving to Hawaii and are in the process of getting ALL the animals "chipped" and up to code so they will not be held in quarantine. Although unfortunately the frog and fish are not going to be able to make that move we have found really good homes for both of them. Please know that the world needs more angels like you & when I move to Hawaii I plan to take an active role in helping animals that are considered disgards. Thanks from Cha Cha, Kona, Slash, Yoda, Simba, Ubido & Thumper (Liminy & Cesar)
Posted by: Connie Goggia | February 07, 2007 at 05:25 PM
I am a Veterinary Assistant and the Rolling Dog Ranch is a place that I have always dreamed about working at, or even volunteering and staying on the property. I have two dogs of my own and six cats that I have saved. I cannot even put into words how I feel right now! The stories have brought tears to my eyes and as well much, much happiness to see that there truly are people in this world that care about animals as much as I do. May God bless you people and all the animals that you help. If I can do anything from this far away, please let me know. I am on a disability pension, and would love nothing more than to be able to help or offer any service I can give you!
Donna Wik
Maple Ridge, B.C. Canada
604-466-0519 (home phone)
Posted by: Donna Wik | January 27, 2007 at 11:46 PM
Oh my Gosh!!! That is the cutest thing ever! I absolutely laughed out loud! Your babies are amazing!
Posted by: Serena | January 26, 2007 at 10:43 PM
Our beloved black-lab daughter Raisin, passed away Dec. 1st, after 13 years, 3 months of inseperable love and togetherness.... I am so sad, and miss her so much, I cry alot, and "just" want to hug and kiss her again. Anyone out there that can relate? I saw your wonderful ranch in "Bark" magazine, and want to contribute regularly, in our beloved Raisin's memory....she had a heart of gold, she was our baby girl. Thank-you, Leslie and Marc
Posted by: Leslie and Marc Beauchamp | December 14, 2006 at 10:22 PM
We all needed to see Stoney's amusement! Animals don't need sight or hearing to feel our pain. You're lucky to be around so many wonderful healers!
Posted by: Leilani | July 26, 2006 at 09:32 AM
One of our rescues - Lacie an Aussie is blind in one eye and impaired in the other and completely deaf and she has a fixation on anything to do with water too - - playing in the sprinkler, swimming pool, hose stream. If there's water involved, she's a happy girl. It brings such joy to see them so enjoying the little things in life.
Posted by: Juli | July 24, 2006 at 09:27 AM
That's great therapy the animals are providing! They can sense when you're not feeling the best. Thanks for providing the enertaining clip. I awoke thinking about you & your recent loss. You are all in my thoughts.
With hugs for better days ahead,
ginger & Tobias
Posted by: ginger & Tobias (the greythound) | July 24, 2006 at 01:39 AM