If you're wondering why we haven't posted anything since last Friday, it's because we had a visitor-packed holiday weekend that kept us hopping ... and I just didn't get a chance to get into the office and post these photos until now! Among our visitors this weekend were two very wonderful veterinarians.
Dr. Karla Mooers was one of our vets when we lived in Seattle. Karla and her staff held a recent fundraiser for the animals and came out in a two-vehicle convoy this weekend, loaded with 2,000 pounds of equine senior grain, cat litter, medications, and $1,700 in donations! Wow! Here in the photo is Karla in the pink shirt, along with Sabrina from her clinic and Meghan (in green shirt). Not only did they bring us all these fabulous gifts for the animals, but then they groomed all the dogs while they were here, cleaned the cat house, and helped us bring horses in from pasture.
Here's a sign they had on one of the vehicles they drove. You had no doubt where they were headed! This sign was on the truck Sabrina drove, carrying all the grain.
We also had our veterinary surgeon from Spokane, Dr. Joe Harari, and his daughter Eve come to the ranch this weekend for a visit. Joe has operated on a number of our animals here, and he and his partner, Dr. Howard Lawrence, have also done medical evaluations on animals coming to us from Spokane shelters. That's always a big help. Joe and Eve helped us feed horses and bring them in from pasture, too.
Of course, with all this veterinary expertise on hand this weekend, we didn't have a single medical crisis!
(Click on photos for larger image.)