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« Blind Dusty's Dining Room | Main | Bailey The Decadent »

July 14, 2006


Woowho! This is great!

I'm so glad you're on TV, hopefully will result in donations pouring in, I KNOW it will also result in requests that you take animals pouring in.

Won't worry about fame going to your head - animals have a way of keeping us real, don't they? And is this why we love them?

Love to all and keep up the good work.


How wonderful!!!
Everyone must be thrilled!
I'll be recording the GMA show when it airs.

That's wonderful!!! The publicity will only do great things for the RDR! How impressive. I'm thrilled for you & the animals. I will send you an e-mail with my e-mail address, so hopefully, I can go to someone's house, to watch the broadcast.
Hugs to all the stars,
ginger & Tobias

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