Neal Karlinsky, an ABC News correspondent based in Seattle, came out to the ranch today to do a story on the sanctuary for Good Morning America. His crew included Jim Bolser behind the camera and Robin Briley doing the sound work. In addition to seeing all the animals here, they got to watch our horse trainer, Nichole Zupan, working with blind Nikki in the round pen, and Alayne riding our blind gelding Domino.
Beth took this group photo this afternoon after all the filming was done. From left to right, that's Robin, Alayne, Neal, Jim, Nichole, Kathryn and me. I'm not a big fan of group photos, but here's proof ABC News was really here!
At one point Robin did a little videotaping herself with a camera they use for what they call 'POV,' or Point-of-View. This is to show a different perspective, generally from the subject's viewpoint. In this case, what it would be like riding a blind horse or even being a blind horse. So Robin climbed on blind Domino and Nichole led them down the drive while Robin shot video from different angles. I took this photo of them as they were coming back from that ride.
We do NOT know yet when the story is going to air. Neal said he would be working on it early next week, and the earliest it could air would be mid-week but probably later. The Good Morning America staff in New York decides on the schedule. We will post an air date on the blog as soon as we learn of it. Also, if you'd like me to send you an email once we find out the date, just let me know by emailing me at [email protected]. I'll build an email list and hopefully we'll have enough advance notice to get the word out in time to everyone who wants to see it.
Woowho! This is great!
Posted by: Karen SA/TX | July 18, 2006 at 05:16 PM
I'm so glad you're on TV, hopefully will result in donations pouring in, I KNOW it will also result in requests that you take animals pouring in.
Won't worry about fame going to your head - animals have a way of keeping us real, don't they? And is this why we love them?
Love to all and keep up the good work.
Posted by: Nancy | July 17, 2006 at 03:51 PM
How wonderful!!!
Everyone must be thrilled!
I'll be recording the GMA show when it airs.
Posted by: Leilani | July 17, 2006 at 09:29 AM
That's wonderful!!! The publicity will only do great things for the RDR! How impressive. I'm thrilled for you & the animals. I will send you an e-mail with my e-mail address, so hopefully, I can go to someone's house, to watch the broadcast.
Hugs to all the stars,
ginger & Tobias
Posted by: ginger & Tobias (the greythound) | July 15, 2006 at 01:21 AM