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« When He's Not Wobbling, He's Rolling | Main | Blind Dusty's Dining Room »

July 11, 2006


Bud, I hope you are feeling better very soon and that Dr. Dave is able to get to the reason why you are not feeling yourself.

Dr. Dave is just great! He's been treating one of our min pins, and I've been very impressed--and so has our min pin Brandy who is doing much better thanks to Dr. Dave.

Bud definitely doesn't look like he feels well. There is a real spark about him on his profile pictures which he certainly seems to be lacking now.
I'll keep him in my thoughts and hope for a benign mass result.
Take it easy guys!

Bud, I hope your spleen biopsy comes out clean as a whistle and that you're feeling your best soon.

We certainly hope Bud is alright. We're keeping our fingers crossed for him & sending positive thoughts his way.
ginger & Tobias

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