This is little Bailey, the miniature Dachshund with a bad spine who came to us earlier this year from an animal hoarder court case. I took this photo at breakfast, while all the other dogs were up, the house was bustling, and Bailey was -- as he always is -- not stirring. No, sir. He lies on his cot in the living room, drifting in and out of sleep, in the midst of all this activity. Nothing moves but his eyes, and even then it's usually only his eyelids moving ... and they're sliding down, so he can go back to sleep.
I saw this scene from the breakfast table and thought it looked rather decadent. Bailey won't actually spring to life until we are finally heading out the door to take care of the horses. Then he realizes he has one last shot to get outside, so he shakes the bedding off, climbs off the cot, and skitters to the front door, his tiny back legs fish-tailing side-to-side as he goes.
Because of his spine problem, he's incontinent -- he doesn't go all the time, but he doesn't know when "it" is about to happen. Thus going outside in the morning doesn't mean he's necessarily doing his business out there, but it's part of his routine. (We always have to change his bedding because he wets his bed every night.) During the day, as soon as he realizes he's beginning to poop, he races to the door, trying to get outside in time. It's always too late, though, and in the process of getting to the door, he leaves a trail of pee and poop across the floor. (That, dear reader, is why we have linoleum!) Bless his little heart, Bailey may not be able to control it, but he knows he should be going outside, not inside, and he tries so hard to get there!
(Click on photo for larger image.)
Bless his heart is right! He wants to be pleasing, you can always tell that by his picture.
He's a love! and is so lucky to be with you guys; people aren't always patient with incontinent animals. You guys are the BEST!
Posted by: Leilani | July 19, 2006 at 10:11 AM
Ditto what Miranda said!
Hugs to all,
ginger & Tobias
Posted by: ginger & Tobias (the greythound) | July 19, 2006 at 01:54 AM
Yes, bless his little heart, and bless Rolling Dog Ranch.
Linda Metzger, Great Falls, MT
Posted by: Linda Metzger | July 18, 2006 at 09:30 PM
And bless your heart for loving the little leaver of poop and pee trails and for finding his antics amusing rather than a basis for punishment. I hope you receive as much love as you give. Have a good day!
Posted by: Miranda | July 18, 2006 at 02:43 PM
Bailey, you are one cute pooch, all snuggled up in your blanket! Enjoy life being a dog at the ranch! (Great inventions, those linoleum floors and wet mops!!!!)
Posted by: Nina | July 18, 2006 at 07:25 AM