Two of the sanctuary's incredibly generous supporters, Jean C. in Nevada and Mary Ann F. in Montana, had read our post about Smokey's death and each of them independently e-mailed us last week with the same question: What about a barn cam system in Beauty's Barn? They wondered if it might have alerted us to her struggles soon enough to save her, or at least to end her suffering hours earlier if there was nothing we could do medically.
Alayne and I had the exact same thought that Saturday morning when we found Smokey down in her stall. What difference would a few hours have made for this old blind mare?
So we did some research about barn cam systems, and e-mailed Jean and Mary Ann what we found. Each, unknown to the other, had offered to match a gift to help purchase a system. Together, there was enough to buy it! All this came together over Christmas weekend ... Mary Ann's gift arrived in the mail on Christmas Eve, in fact. So we are working today with the supplier on the actual order.
Smokey's barn cam will soon be a reality -- thanks to the generous gifts from Jean and Mary Ann. Thank you so much!
What a wonderful idea, and better yet, you followed it through. Sending best wishes for a fantastic 2006 to Jean and MaryAnn for their generosity.
Posted by: ginger & Tobias | December 28, 2005 at 12:51 AM
what a fantastic idea! I am so happy you have such wonderfully generous people to bring these things about. Thank you Jean and Mary Ann!!!!
Posted by: Alicat | December 27, 2005 at 09:32 PM
Thanks to Jean and Mary Ann for your generosity. You make the world a better place.
Posted by: Roz | December 27, 2005 at 06:59 PM
Very cool. Great idea. So, Beauty's Barn becomes even a greater facility...
Posted by: Karen/TX | December 27, 2005 at 06:25 PM
That is the best present !!! Thank you Jean and Mary Ann.
Posted by: Leigh | December 27, 2005 at 06:21 PM