We updated the Web site over the holiday weekend and posted our new arrivals as well as the digital version of our new winter newsletter. We also had some great news to announce with Pappy's Fund! You can see it all from our Web site home page here.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We certainly did. It's been snowing off and on for days, and on Friday it was blowing so hard (19 mph) with snow coming in sideways that we had to leave the horses in their stalls most of the day. It was 3 p.m. before we could finally turn them out. It looks much more like winter here than fall!
Speaking of the newsletter, this is a great time to let us know if you have family members and friends who might enjoy receiving it in the mail. Just send an e-mail to me at [email protected] with their names and addresses, and we'll put a copy of the winter newsletter in the mail to them. (Our privacy policy: We don't share our mailing list with anyone, ever!) The newsletter is the main way we raise money to care for the animals at the ranch, so the more people who know about the sanctuary, the more support we can get. Thank you for telling your family and friends!