At first glance the title of this post looks like we're branching out from dogs, cats and horses ... but we're not. Turtle and Mink are two disabled cats who just arrived from the Humane Society of Gallatin Valley in Bozeman, Montana.
Turtle is a blind tortie who is already quite adept at finding her way around her new digs. She is a gentle, sweet soul who is a little ... let's be honest here ... on the plump side. Although she's shy about raising her head up -- I could never quite get the photo I wanted to show you her eyes -- she purred for me as she lay curled up in that bed.
Mink is a true 'wobbler' ... very unsteady on his feet from some kind of neurological disorder. He kind of lurches across the floor. We're not sure if it's cerebellar hypoplasia, like our cat Wobbles, or some other issue. But like Wobbles, he has learned to compensate by using a wide stance with his front legs. He also extends his tail rigidly outwards and shifts it around to help balance himself. Mink is quite the character ... very affectionate and playful. I had to keep picking him up and moving him away because every time I'd try to take a photo of Turtle, he'd lurch right into the frame and then lean against me. (Warning: attention hog.)
He and Turtle were together at the Bozeman shelter, and they'll be together in the same cottage here, too. Turtle will hiss at Mink occasionally when he gets right next to her, but only as a gentle reminder ... "don't fall on me!"
A note to everyone who wrote in with concerns about Bonnie and Clyde's return to Texas: The lady who owns Bonnie and Clyde loves them a lot. They will not end up in a regular shelter. She had searched for a year to find a place for them before contacting us. We just weren't the right place because they weren't disabled. She'll make sure Bonnie and Clyde get the best care. If we weren't convinced of that, we wouldn't have sent them back. We know they'll be just fine.
Cute and very brave, and resourceful!
What a great story!
Posted by: Nikita | May 14, 2008 at 02:05 PM
Mink and Turtle are beautiful.
And thank you so much for including the note about Bonnie and Clyde! I was really worried about what was going to happen to them.
Posted by: Cathy | October 26, 2005 at 04:50 PM
Welcome Turtle and Mink ! You can tell Mink is a complete character and attention hog. He is going to love life at the ranch.
And now I am in complete love with Turtle. She is beautiful !!!!
Posted by: Leigh | October 22, 2005 at 01:41 AM