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« Spinner Arrives in San Diego | Main | Spinner's Surgery: Heartbreak »

October 31, 2005


Hello, I just adopted an eight week old maltapoo who is blind and deaf.
She is so tiny about two pounds.
She charges around bumping into things and then cries. How long will it be before she can find her way safely. We want to provide the very best home for her that we can.
What do you think of keeping her on a leash and walking her through the house gently pulling her away from walls and furniture etc.... any ideas that you have will be appreciated.
THank you,

Spinner is my thoughts. I can't wait to hear how the surgery went. Thanks for keeping us updated.

I'm thinking of you, Spinner, and hoping the surgery is a success!

This is so exciting to think that Spinner may see again.. Spinner is an amazing dog, handling this trip so well. What a great dog!

I'm so glad she is a canidate! Here's hoping for an amazing outcome!!! :D

Excellent. This is quite exciting. This not only is great for Spinner, but also for the science of eye surgery...

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