One of the many beautiful things about where we live is the sheer number of rainbows we get to enjoy seeing. Our valley is officially named 'Kleinschmidt Flat,' after the earliest settlers in the 1800's, but Alayne and I have often thought it should be renamed 'Rainbow Flat.'
For some reason -- we're not sure why -- we have an incredible number of rainbows out here. And not just one at at time, but often two.
Today we had a series of rain squalls come through the valley ... the sky would grow dark, the wind would come roaring in, the rain would come pelting down ... and then 20 minutes later, the squall moves through and the sun comes out.
At about 4 p.m. this afternoon, we saw this rainbow out the back door, looking to the east. If you click on the photo for a larger image, you may be able to see the second companion rainbow to the right ... it's faint, but coming out of the clump of cottonwoods at the right side of the photo. By the time I grabbed the camera the light had already shifted enough that the twin rainbow had started to fade.
The main rainbow had one end (what you see here) in our hayfield, and the other end was about 1/4 mile to the north of us in our neighbor's alfalfa field. We could see the entire glowing rainbow, from end to end. Of course, the animals seemed singularly unimpressed by nature's glory; they were more interested in the approaching dinner hour.