Alayne hauled a full truckload of animals to our vets in Helena today. In the back of the truck are, on the left, Fluff and Puff Hooligan, our 'barn-cats-in-training'. They needed another eye exam, and Puff needs another round of minor eye surgery (some tissue grew back where it shouldn't). Next to Fluff and Puff is little blind Ashley, who went in for an eye exam and a spay. (Hmm, we wondered why the house was so quiet tonight.)
In the back on the left is blind and deaf Spinner, who was going in to get a health certificate for her trip to San Diego, and also bloodwork in preparation for the eye surgery. On the right in the green crate is blind Sugar, going in for surgery on a ruptured anal gland (lovely!) and also an eye exam.
Behind Sugar's crate is a smaller crate you can't see ... in it is Snowball, a deaf cat who came to us from a gruesome animal hoarder case. We got him over a severe upper respiratory infection, but we did not have any luck with a chronic mouth infection called stomatitis. I've kept it at bay with daily Baytril injections, but haven't knocked it out. We may have to pull all his teeth -- this sounds awful, but we've had to do it on three other cats and it's the only thing that finally gets rid of the bacteria that causes this strain of stomatitis.
Our vets will do the various tests and procedures over the next two days, and we'll pick up the crew in Helena on Friday. This was kind of our typical vet run.
I have a male dog that used to get the ruptured anal glands. They can heal on their own, put they seem to reoccur, so it is good to get the surgery as they must be very all are becoming quite the experts on Vet care...
Posted by: Karen SA/TX | October 27, 2005 at 12:39 AM