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« Spreading The Word About Blind Horses | Main | Rainbow On The Ranch »

October 20, 2005


I was one of the girls who worked at the Ontario Animal Hospital who sent you Allie and I think your sanctuary is truly an amazing place.
Just wondering about Bonnie and Clyde, though -- are you confident that the owner you sent them back to (however annoying she may be) is a good owner and will give the cats a safe, loving home again? I just fear that owners like her will take the cats to a shelter as soon she she gets them back. I can't help but worrying about those two cats a little bit!
Thanks for all the wonderful work you do.

I just hope that the people in Texas truly take care of these cats, they may have had a better chance in Bozeman....In San Antonio, Texas they kill 50,000 to 60,000 dogs and cats each year. That's just one city with 1 million
people. I hope the odds are better in Austin. They need high volume, low cost spay/neuter clinics here, and a big change in attitude that dogs and cats can fend for themselves, and that they think it is only natural for them to have babies and it is ok to dump them out in the country.

I hope Bonnie and Clyde will be okay. How frustrating for you and them. Kind of worried about what their "owner" is going to do with them now.

On a happier note...Can't wait to see Turtle and Mink !

Well that sounds a little frustrating..but I'm glad you are still taking the kitties from Bozeman.

I volunteered at the Humane Society in Bozeman through High School, and it really is a great thing for them to provide a 'no-kill' establishment.

I'm looking forward to seeing the new kitties! :)

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