You may remember reading about two cats named Bonnie and Clyde who arrived here on October 9th from Austin, Texas. We had agreed to take them because we'd been told the cats were 'disabled' and had cerebellar hypoplasia, making them wobbly and unbalanced on their feet. Well, after a couple of days lurking in a wide-open crate (see photo), the two cats finally ventured out ... and we learned they weren't disabled at all!
These two cats could run, jump, climb, and do anything a normal cat could do, with no sign of wobbling or any disability whatsoever. They leaped onto window sills, jumped through the open window into the outdoor enclosure, and raced across the cat house floor.
We were incredulous that anyone would have described Bonnie and Clyde as 'disabled.' We gathered it was a handy way to get them a permanent spot in a nice sanctuary, rather than take them to a local shelter. Since we have so few open spots and save our very limited room for truly disabled animals, we told Bonnie and Clyde's owner that we would either send the cats back to her, or trade them to another shelter that had genuinely disabled cats. The owner initially said she didn't want us to send them back.
So last weekend we arranged a trade with the Humane Society of Gallatin Valley, a no-kill shelter run by wonderful folks in Bozeman, Montana. They have a blind cat named Turtle and a true 'wobbler' named Mink they were excited to send us in exchange for taking Bonnie and Clyde.
Then, yesterday, the owner said she wanted them back after all, so we made travel arrangements for Bonnie and Clyde to fly back to Austin today. A few hours after making the reservations, the owner contacted us again, now saying she wanted us to send them instead to another shelter in Arizona. Fed up at that point, we declined to do so and went ahead with Bonnie and Clyde's planned trip. So I took them to the airport this afternoon, and as I post this, the two cats should have arrived safely in Texas.
Of course, the Bozeman folks had been so gracious about offering to take Bonnie and Clyde, and they were so delighted with the idea of their two disabled cats coming to the sanctuary, that we decided to go ahead and take Turtle and Mink anyway. Our go-everywhere volunteer, Jerry Black, is heading to Bozeman tomorrow to pick up Turtle and Mink and bring them to the ranch.
The irony here is that because these two non-disabled cats, Bonnie and Clyde, made a brief stop at the sanctuary, two disabled cats will now have a new home here. In the end, this seemed to work out alright, didn't it?
I was one of the girls who worked at the Ontario Animal Hospital who sent you Allie and I think your sanctuary is truly an amazing place.
Just wondering about Bonnie and Clyde, though -- are you confident that the owner you sent them back to (however annoying she may be) is a good owner and will give the cats a safe, loving home again? I just fear that owners like her will take the cats to a shelter as soon she she gets them back. I can't help but worrying about those two cats a little bit!
Thanks for all the wonderful work you do.
Posted by: Ashley | October 21, 2005 at 09:53 AM
I just hope that the people in Texas truly take care of these cats, they may have had a better chance in Bozeman....In San Antonio, Texas they kill 50,000 to 60,000 dogs and cats each year. That's just one city with 1 million
people. I hope the odds are better in Austin. They need high volume, low cost spay/neuter clinics here, and a big change in attitude that dogs and cats can fend for themselves, and that they think it is only natural for them to have babies and it is ok to dump them out in the country.
Posted by: Karen SA/TX | October 20, 2005 at 06:17 PM
I hope Bonnie and Clyde will be okay. How frustrating for you and them. Kind of worried about what their "owner" is going to do with them now.
On a happier note...Can't wait to see Turtle and Mink !
Posted by: Leigh | October 20, 2005 at 03:51 PM
Well that sounds a little frustrating..but I'm glad you are still taking the kitties from Bozeman.
I volunteered at the Humane Society in Bozeman through High School, and it really is a great thing for them to provide a 'no-kill' establishment.
I'm looking forward to seeing the new kitties! :)
Posted by: Alicat | October 20, 2005 at 11:46 AM