This is Buzz, a young Golden Retriever that the Bitterroot Humane Association in Hamilton, Montana, asked if we could take. They told us he has the 'wobbles' ... a little unsteady on his feet, falls down sometimes, but is otherwise healthy and happy. We had not seen Buzz yet, but based on what the shelter told us, we wondered if he didn't have a mild form of cerebellar hypoplasia. Our dog Allie and our cat Wobbles have full-blown forms of that condition. We asked the shelter to take him to our specialist in Missoula, Dr. Dave Bostwick, for an evaluation.
Dave did an exam and concluded that Buzz's balance and mobility issues were NOT from cerebellar hypoplasia. It is more likely he suffered some kind of head trauma in the past. A sure sign he has a more classic neurological problem is the fact that he circles quite a bit. Allie and Wobbles, for instance, don't circle at all. Yet he also has far more control over his fine motor skills than they do.
As you can see from the photos, he does quite well standing up. He can run around the yard just fine. But then all of a sudden he'll start listing to one side ... he'll turn his head in one direction ... and then he'll circle for a brief moment. Occasionally he'll list like a sinking ship and then fall over. Other times he just can't stop or turn in time ... it's like his brain signals can't get through to the rest of his body ... and he'll run into something. But most of the time he can run, jump, and play like any dog.
When I was taking photos of him this evening, I watched him move at a fast clip across the yard, heading straight toward some logs ringing a small tree sapling. I could tell he wanted to stop but couldn't, and he plowed straight into the logs. (There's a reason we protect small trees here.) When he gets very excited, he has less control and is more likely to lose his balance.
He is a very sweet, affable and playful boy who gets along with everyone else. He's also drop-dead gorgeous. Today was his first day at the ranch and he loved exploring his new environment. Most of the time he seems quite normal, until ... thunk! ... you realize something's not quite right with him!
One final comment: We need a new name. Buzz just isn't him. Suggestions welcome!
(Click on photos for larger image.)
Is it possible that Buzz has geriatric vestibular disease? It generally occurs in older, large breed dogs and Buzz doesn't look that old, but his symptoms sound familiar. The wobbles, sometimes walking in circles and head tilt are symptoms of this. There is nothing that can be done for it and apparently most dogs recover quite well over time. (Our 14 year-old golden retriever had an "attack" a couple of months ago and is doing quite well.)
Posted by: Darlene | November 19, 2005 at 12:52 PM
I'd like to offer the name Rounder for Buzz. What a beautiful boy he is!
Posted by: Kate Halstead | November 07, 2005 at 06:53 PM
I think Buzz should be renamed Sparky. I just think it's cute. I also liked the suggestion of Scout. That is a really sweet name.
Posted by: Becky | November 07, 2005 at 03:21 PM
i vote for Joe! hes a normal dog (or very close to) i think he should have a normal name./ you will probably treat him like your kid. and i think u need a kid named joe :)
Posted by: Lauren Berrouard | November 06, 2005 at 09:34 PM
Hi Steve,
I hope all goes great in San Diego tomorrow.
As for a new name for Buzz, maybe Rowdy, Rowly, or Fabio. It always takes me a long time to find just the right name for my companions. I'm sure you will have a lot of fine suggestions.
Enjoy the warm weather while you are in sunny California.
Posted by: ginger & Tobias | October 31, 2005 at 08:26 PM
Whew, you will have a tough time to decide....but how about Scout? He is a wonderful looking dog. There is something extra special about golden retrievers...
Posted by: Karen SA/TX | October 31, 2005 at 04:40 PM
Hey, I go for Sweep, darn cute name & sure fits that feathery tail -
What a sweet face -
Look forward to hugging this new kid on the block -
Posted by: Jean/Nevada | October 30, 2005 at 10:24 PM
How about naming the handsome boy Baron....he looks so regal and like royalty!
Posted by: Nina | October 29, 2005 at 08:37 PM
I'm liking came up with that.
Posted by: MaryEllen | October 29, 2005 at 08:18 AM
How about "Champ"? Sounds like he doesn't let anything get him down---he just keeps getting back up, dusting himself off, and taking off again, full of life.
Posted by: Cathy | October 28, 2005 at 11:18 AM
He is striking! You have two really pretty additions, I think Ashley is precious.
I think Buzz needs a bit more of a sophisticated name, maybe: Nash, Hayden, Monroe, Flavio.
Posted by: Mandy, Laramie, WY | October 28, 2005 at 11:17 AM
I think he looks like a Jack or Skipper
Posted by: Billie | October 28, 2005 at 10:42 AM
I was reading your post and I was telling my husband about the new dog. He looked at that fabulous tail and suggested the name Sweep for Buzz. That dog is truly beautiful as is his tail.
Keep up the great work you do, it is truly inspiring.
Posted by: Cathy Chambers | October 28, 2005 at 08:22 AM