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« Blind Scout Arrives at the Ranch | Main | Lena's Eye Problem »

August 19, 2005


I really don't want to over participate in this blog, but this is another animal subject I can't help but speak up about.
Animal hoarding, I think, is usually a response to trying to save animals from being euthanized in our "shelters". The numbers are staggering. Tens of thousands a year in San Antonio. It is a full time job to euthanize all day, everyday. Wake up humankind! If one person reads this and neuters an uncontrolled male dog or cat, or spays females, or one city provides more funding and awarness campaigns, great.
If you have animals you can not provide for or clean up after, get help!! Papers will print for free "free to a good home ads". Get help before the animal suffers. Please people wake up and pass on the message, SPAY and NEUTER!

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