For all of you sweltering in August heat somewhere, here's something to consider: This morning when we got up, the temperature was 26 degrees and there was frost on the ground. How's that for an August morning?
Here's a photo I took at 7 a.m., just before the sun rose above the mountain range to our east. This is our disabled dog building, Widget's House. You're looking west, and the Swan Range is in the distance. If you click on the image for a larger version, you may be able to see the frost on the grass in the foreground.
Our first frosts are usually in August or in early September. It's always a brisk reminder that winter in the northern Rockies is not far away!
We barely get below 80 degrees at night! It was 100 degrees yesterday. I am ready for a little of that cold to blow down this way....I have a good friend in Kallispell. I used to get over that way quite a few times. The fall is such a beautiful time in the Flathead valley area.
Posted by: Karen/San Antonio TX | August 25, 2005 at 11:21 PM