We're suddenly having banner "issues" with the blog tonight. Our sanctuary logo is blowing out the margins of the banner one minute, the next it's too small and off-centered. We tried re-posting it, then re-sizing and re-posting it, but nothing seems to work. Oddly, it is still fine on the About page. We finally submitted a help ticket to the Typepad support team. So if something looks very strange up above ... we're working on it. If it looks okay ... then we got it fixed.
I am so glad you are blogging ! I first learned about the ranch from a friend who knew I would love what you are doing. I have adopted several special needs animals, including a 3 legged cat and a one eyed epileptic dog. I love all your animals, but I am particularly fond of Champagne Bob. Please give him a kiss for me, actually hug them all for me. It is great to read that Popeye got adopted. I could go on and on ...
Can't wait to read more and see what is going on at the Ranch. Thank you for all the wonderful work you do.
Posted by: Leigh | July 24, 2005 at 05:38 PM